Thursday inspiration {Graz}

Graz window

I went to Graz toward the end of summer last year, as a sort of last hurrah before it got cold and I’d be wishing for hibernation. There’s nothing like the discovery of a new place to inspire you. Luckily, Graz is equally charming, beautiful, and stimulating. I can’t wait to go back when it’s warm again. After all, it’s just a train ride away…

Flashback Friday {Rome at Night}

A few times too many have I made the mistake of wearing new shoes when large amounts of walking were required. I always seem to forget that even the flattest, most comfortable shoes need breaking in. Now I am a wiser woman and only bring my FitFlops on sightseeing and to-and-from-work walks in the summer. My feet thanked me in Rome because Rome is not a city for walking in high heels (on second thought, maybe no European city is) unless you have to have perfect balance, good stamina and very strong ankles. We walked from morning till night – just how it should be, because the views at night were just as magnificent as during daytime.
We only stopped for photo opps, gelato and food. On our first evening, we had a bit of a hard time finding the Pantheon, but when we finally found it, we stayed a while to take lots of photos. It was beautiful, well-lit and so well-preserved. It almost looked new. When we were done and moving to the next tourist site, we realized the building we marveled about wasn’t the Pantheon at all. Fail.
So anyway, here goes Rome at night:

{Rome, August 2010}

the windows and doors of Graz

I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I went on a day trip to Graz. Although I’ve never been, I heard and read that Graz, the second-largest city in Austria, is beautiful and charming (probably even more than Linz) and is a city of culinary delights. Not only was I impressed by the weather (a coincidence, I know, but Vienna’s summer ended really early and the sun has not been around for a while), the food, and the architecture, I was totally enchanted by its courtyards and the windows and doors. So beautiful.












What details do you notice and love when you’re traveling?

Flashback Friday: London Aquarium + ZSL London Zoo

If you’re in London, love marine life, like the movie Closer, and/or have a bit of time to spare, I highly recommend going to the Sea Life London Aquarium. 





If you love exotic animals, ZSL London Zoo is the place to go.







Flashback Friday: Fair Verona

My friends Jo, Gerald and I went on a trip to Verona, home of Romeo and Juliet, on one of our long weekends in November three years ago. We were more than happy to escape cold Vienna, but didn’t expect it to rain so hard in fair Verona. We were lucky to have a few hours with just drizzle when we arrived, and when it really started pouring we still tried to walk under the rain w/ our cheap umbrellas and raincoat, but we ended up cold and soaked. We eventually tried to make the most of it by spending a lot of time at cafés and restaurants.
Some of the dry moments:
we passed this bridge every day. lovely view, must be even more magical in Summer
Truffle tagliatelle 
I was a bit disappointed seeing this: the entrance to Juliet’s house was covered in graffiti and used gum
Romeo Oh Romeo?