Vienna Tweed Ride

Now that spring has finally arrived, Vienna is back to its colorful (cherry blossoms and tulips everywhere!) and lively self. In the next few weeks alone, there are so many events lined up, like the Street Kitchen Food Market on April 30 to May 1, the Genuss-Festival on May 8-10, the Life Ball on May 16, and the Eurovision Song Contest on May 18-23. I’m so excited!

The weather has been so great that I voluntarily decided to abandon my Netflix list and go out to visit some parks (Setagaya, Stadtpark, Schlosspark), the zoo, and some cafés I haven’t tried before. Though I will never regret staying home to watch Netflix (what is FOMO?), going out on a sunny day not only feels good, but it’s a perfect excuse to still wear my leather jacket (let’s face it, it’s not yet warm enough – it starts to get cold toward the evening).

Today it was a whopping wind-less 21 degrees Celsius, so my jacket got to stay home while I checked out the Vienna Tweed Ride. I read on their event page that their pit stop would be at Augarten, which is not that far away from me. I really like cycling and theme parties, and the Tweed Ride was on another level of awesomeness. There was music, champagne, scones, picnics, bicycles, and so much tweed. Dapper ladies and gents in tweed outfits I have only ever seen in movies were chatting and relaxing before riding to their finish line and after-party at WUK.

I had to get out of my comfort zone to ask if I could take these people’s photos, but they were incredibly nice and agreed. After all, their outfits are so gorgeous, they deserved to be snapped.

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This cute couple was a little shy

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two lads and a lady

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This adorable couple was really sweet. They’re also in the second photo, sitting on the bench

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dapper dudes

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I saw these two from afar – they looked amazing and had such a great energy

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